Tama Rites of The Church of Thessaly

Echoes from the Temple

Ceremonies and Ritual Publications of The Church of Thessaly

What are the Tama Rites:

The Tama Rites are a Spiritual Odyssey that invites you to engage with the Ancient Mysteries, seeking the guidance and protection of the Gods within your life. These books offer a rich tapestry of knowledge and Spiritual Practice which leads you toward a deeper understanding of the God's presence within your life.

Tama Rites of the Gods:

Hera Coming Soon

Hera - Coming soon

Aphrodite Coming Soon

Aphrodite - Coming soon

Poseidon Coming Soon

Poseidon - Coming soon

Ares Coming Soon

Ares - Coming soon

Dionysus Coming Soon

Dionysus - Coming soon

Hermes Coming Soon

Hermes - Coming soon

Apollo Coming Soon

Apollo - Coming soon

Artemis Book Cover


Athena Book Cover


Hephaistos Coming Soon

Hephaistos - Coming soon

Demeter Coming Soon

Demeter - Coming soon

Zeus Coming Soon

Zeus - Coming soon

Hekate Book Cover


Festival Tama Rites:

Thesmophoria Book Cover
