Echoes from the Temple

Echoes from the Temple

Solar Adoration Rite

These simple Rites are best used together throughout the day. To achieve this the Morning Adoration is performed at Sunrise or when you wake. The Noon Adoration is to be done at Noon, the Sunset Adoration at Sunset, and the Midnight Adoration at Midnight or before you retire for the night. If your lifestyle doesn’t allow you the freedom to perform the Rites four times a day, perform the Morning and Noon Adoration together in the Morning and the Sunset and Midnight Adoration together before you end your day.

Morning Adoration

In the morning while facing the east and the rising sun bring both hands together, palms outward, directly above your head with your index fingers and thumbs touching, forming a triangle between your two hands and say:

Hail and adoration unto thee,
Helios, who are EPBHΘ in thy rising,
in the form of a winged dragon.
I pray thee to impart to me thy illumination.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your face, with your palms outward and say:

In thy strength,
enlighten my mind so that I may perceive more clearly,
all things in which I endeavor.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your solar plexus with your palms outward and say:

Illuminate my soul,
imparting thy essence of purity.

Bring your hands down in front of you with your palms upward touch your finger tips together at your navel and say:

At the uprising of the sun,
I reveal my inner self unto thee

Open your arms outward with palms up and say:

And ask that all be cleansed and purified within, Σελαθαη!

Noon Adoration

At noon face the south and the sun bring both hands together, palms outward, directly above your head with your index fingers and thumbs touching, forming a triangle between your two hands and say:

Hail and adoration unto thee,
Helios, who are ΛEPΘEΞANAΞ in thy triumphing,
in the form of a great falcon.
I pray thee to impart to me thy illumination.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your face, with your palms outward and say:

In thy beauty,
enlighten my mind so that I may perceive more clearly,
all things in which I endeavor.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your solar plexus with your palms outward and say:

Illuminate my soul, imparting thy essence of purity.

Bring your hands down in front of you with your palms upward touch your finger tips together at your navel and say:

At the mid-course of the sun,
I reveal my inner self unto thee

Open your arms outward with palms up and say:

And ask that all be cleansed and purified within, Σελαθαη!

Sunset Adoration

At sunset face the west and the setting sun bring both hands together, palms outward, directly above your head with your index fingers and thumbs touching, forming a triangle between your two hands and say:

Hail and adoration unto thee,
Helios, who are ABΛANAΘANAΛBA in thy setting,
in the form of a snake tailed crocodile.
I pray thee to impart to me thy illumination.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your face, with your palms outward and say:

In thy joy,
enlighten my mind so that I may perceive more clearly,
all things in which I endeavor.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your solar plexus with your palms outward and say:

Illuminate my soul,
imparting thy essence of purity.

Bring your hands down in front of you with your palms upward touch your finger tips together at your navel and say:

At the setting of the sun,
I reveal my inner self unto thee

Open your arms outward with palms up and say:

And ask that all be cleansed and purified within, Σελαθαη!

Midnight Adoration

At midnight or before you go to sleep face the north bring both hands together, palms outward, directly above your head with your index fingers and thumbs touching, forming a triangle between your two hands and say:

Hail and adoration unto thee,
Helios, who are ΣEΣEΓΓENBAPΦAPAΓΓHΣ in thy hiding,
in the form of a child seated upon a lotus.
I pray thee to impart to me thy illumination.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your face, with your palms outward and say:

In thy silence,
enlighten my mind so that I may perceive more clearly,
all things in which I endeavor.

With you hands still forming a triangle bring them before your solar plexus with your palms outward and say:

Illuminate my soul,
imparting thy essence of purity.

Bring your hands down in front of you with your palms upward touch your finger tips together at your navel and say:

At the midnight hour of the sun,
I reveal my inner self unto thee

Open your arms outward with palms up and say:

And ask that all be cleansed and purified within, Σελαθαη!

© 2024 Echoes from the Temple

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates