Echoes from the Temple

Echoes from the Temple

Ritual of Noumenia

Ritual to be performed on the first day of the Lunar Month. 

_______Opening Prayer_______

I call out to all the Immortal
And eternal Gods of Mount Olympus,
You, pillars of the world.
Come immortal Gods to this prayer,
Come joyous to these libations
And grant us all untainted virtue.

(Offer libation of wine)

_______Prayer to Hestia_______

(Light central Fire and offer libations of wine)

O Blessed Hestia,
Royal daughter of the mighty Kronos,
You are the magnificent
And perpetual fire,
Elevate the pious suppliants
Who give due honor
And worship unto you in these sacred rites
Grant unto them happiness everlasting
You who are needed by all
Come, smiling blessed goddess,
Accept from me these offerings with kind heart
Inspiring happiness and gentle health.

_______Prayer to Hekate_______

Hail unto thee, Hekate,
You who are favored above all,
Hekate, hear us!
You who are the watcher of harbors
Hekate, hear us!
You who are the protector of travelers
On both land and sea
Hekate hear us!
You hold the keys to the Cosmos
And stand at the crossroads of time and space
Hekate hear us!
I call to you, descend upon this temple
And attend these sacred rites
Bring your power and joy unto our hearts
Hekate hear me!

(Offer libation of wine and honey)

_______Prayer to Zeus Ktesios_______

(With Kadiskos)

Most High Zeus,
Eternal Zeus,
Thundering in the Heavens,
You hold judgment over the deeds of men
And deliver justice upon the hubris.
O blessed Ktesios and Erkeios,
Hear my prayer and look upon me.
Come benevolent and mighty Zeus
Come bearing wealth and good fortune
Come with Joyous Agathos Daemon.

(Offer libation of wine and honey)

_______Prayer to Hera_______

I call to Hera,
Beautiful daughter of Kronos and blessed Rhea,
Queen of Olympus,
Beloved wife of thundering Zeus.
Friend of marriage,
Protector of home and family,
And most exalted Goddess,
I pray to you.
I praise you noble Hera,
Queen of the deathless Gods.
I pray to you, Hera,
Warder of the bonds of marriage,
I give honor to your beauty, wisdom, and might.
Hail Hera, may you look favorably upon my home.

_______Prayer to Apollo_______

To you, I pray Apollon Hekateios
To whom it is a sacred custom to invoke.
Come, O Blessed Paian,
O Divine Phoebos,
Who dispense blessings,
The Delphic prophet, bright Daemon.
Your eyes see all things
And bring light to mortals.
Light bringing ever youthful Daemon
Hear my prayer and have a kindly heart.
O Hekatebolos,
The pious wish to be in your presence,
So that we may live a divine life.
Noumenios, come with a joyous heart,
Bearing good fortune
And good favor for all endeavors.

(Offer libation of wine and honey)

_______Prayer to Hermes_______

Hear my prayers,
Hermes of the roads,
Messenger of mighty Zeus,
Friend of man and with a kind heart.
I pray to thee as protector
Of this Oikos and Temenos,
Swift of foot and messenger
Of the will of the gods.
I pray to thee, look kindly
Upon this Temple and my home.

-Offer libation of wine and honey-

_______Prayer to Artemis_______

I pray to you, Artemis
Wild huntress of the woods,
Slayer of the stag and the boar,
Lady of the crescent moon
And sister to Apollo.
Maiden Goddess
Who takes joy in song and dance
Companion of the laughing nymphs
In all their play
Come with good disposition,
Bearing good fortune
For the coming month.

(Offer libation of wine and honey)

_______Giving Offerings_______

(Elevate Food Offering)

O Gods, accept from me this food,
that you may shape the course of my life with luminous light
and make it abundant with good things,
deliver me from all sicknesses and evils.

(Elevate Wine Offering)

O Gods, accept from me this wine,
that when my soul rages for worldly things,
I may be delivered and purified.

(Elevate Incense Offering)
O Gods, accept from me this incense,
that you may reveal to me, the path of Divine Guidance
and permit me to gaze upon that precious light.
For when I am weary, bring me to the haven of piety with your winds.

_______Closing Prayer_______

Khaire, O Blessed Gods,
May you look upon the pious
With kind hearts,
Never abandon us,
And turn from us all illness
And misfortune,
And drive away all sorrow.


© 2024 Echoes from the Temple

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates