Echoes from the Temple

Echoes from the Temple

Ritual of Deipnon

Ritual to be performed on the final day of the Lunar Month

_______Opening Prayer to Hekate_______

Hail Hekate, I call to you,
She who is crowned with oaken wreaths
And coils of serpents,
Bless on this, the last day of the month
The offerings in which I am about to prepare
For my ancestral foundation.
And keep all evil away.
Pour Milk to the Restless Dead
O you restless Dead
Who follow Hekate
I pour this gift of milk
That you taste the gift of life
And be not a hindrance.
Prayer to Ancestors
I call to you and honor you,
O venerable ancestors, with my prayers.
Come forth to this Rite,
Oh, ancestors of my family,
To you known and to you unknown
The roots of my roots.
Come forth into this place by the blood
In my veins, which was forged by you.
Come forth, oh beings, whose names are forgotten by time
But remembered by blood.

_______Offerings to Ancestors_______

Come for these offerings of wine.

(Pour Wine)

Come for these offerings of flame.

(Light Candle)

Come for these offerings of food.

(Offer Food)

Come for these offerings of incense.

(Light Incense)

_______Prayer to Hekate_______

Hekate! Hekate! Hekate!
Great Goddess and Greatest Titan,
I call to you, infernal, earthy, and supernal Bombo.
Brilliant Titan who strays by night,
Wandering with the restless dead.
Your ankles are wolf shaped,
Fierce dogs are your friends,
And you rejoice in the howl.
Great mistress of thresholds
Come, graciously hear my call,
You who oversee the wide world of the night.
You traverse the broad and boundless abyss,
You are the beginning and the end,
You alone rule all.
You who roams the mountains,
Nocturnal Goddess of the netherworld,
You of the chaste darkness,
Quiet and frightening,
You alone hold the feast of the graves.
O Great Hekate,
Accept these offerings.

(Place your Offerings)

_______Closing Prayer to Hekate_______

Hail Hekate!
I leave these offerings for you
And to the restless dead on this night.
As I leave, let no shade, soul,
Or spirit trail behind.
Keep me from harm
And my home in harmony.


(Leave the area and do not look back, for to do so, is to invite the restless dead)

© 2024 Echoes from the Temple

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates