Echoes from the Temple

Echoes from the Temple

Ritual of Agathos Daemon

Ritual to be performed on the second day of the Lunar Month

_______Opening Prayer_______

I call out to all the Immortal
And eternal Gods of Mount Olympus,
You, pillars of the world.
Come immortal Gods to this prayer,
Come joyous to these libations
And grant us all untainted virtue.

(Offer libation of wine)

_______Prayer to Hestia_______

(Light central Fire and offer libations of wine)

O Blessed Hestia,
Royal daughter of the mighty Kronos,
You are the magnificent
And perpetual fire,
Elevate the pious suppliants
Who give due honor
And worship unto you in these sacred rites
Grant unto them happiness everlasting
You who are needed by all
Come, smiling blessed goddess,
Accept from me these offerings with kind heart
Inspiring happiness and gentle health.

_______Prayer to Agathos Daemon_______

Agathos Daemon, Guardian, Guide, my never born friend,
You, the Divine Spark within me, bringing me ever to Yourself,

(Offer libation of wine)

Be with me this night,
As the moon waxes in her growth,
Bring increase to my life;
Illuminate through the darkness,
Throughout my lives,
That I may discover Our Divine nature,
And abide in heavenly perfection.

(Offer libation of wine)

Graciously hear my prayer,
Look upon me with favor,
And accept these offerings,
Which I give in thanks to You who have given first,
Lord, Giver of All, Feeder of All,
Fruitful Cause of All to Bloom,
Generative, Life-giver,
Creator of Earth, Starry Heavens,
Giver of Good Fortune.

(Offer libation of wine)

Blessed Agathos Daemon, Teacher of Gods and Men,
May I be forever mindful of the eternal light
And eternal Good of the Gods;
Guard me from danger and folly,
And set my focus ever to the Good,
That in pious contemplation
I may always behold, adore,
And celebrate the perfect Divinity that You Are,
Lord God, Ruler of Hope,
All-Encompassing One Whom the Gods Worship,
God of Gods,
Eternal King of Eternities,
The Unbegotten
And Entirely Ineffable One.

(Offer libation of wine)

Hail and praise to you,
Great Ruler and Helper,
Smile upon my prayer and adoration.
Great are you who hold all creation together,
Who commands the winds,
Who molds the forms of beasts
And sets their paths.
You raise the mountains
And dig their streams.
Elevate me in your Goodness,
Inspire me with Creativity,
And sustain me always within piety and justice.

(Give offerings of eggs, pomegranates, or pine-cones)

O Agathos Daemon, giver of good,
I honor you with these offerings
And ask that you guard, guide,
And provide for me,
That I may see the Gods
In the works I undertake
That I may hear the Gods
In the words I speak
That I may honor the Gods
In thought and deed.
Finally, I thank and celebrate
The Blessed and Immortal Chthonic Gods,
Who bestow the Abundance of Divinity
To life on Earth.
We praise and give thanks to you,
Lord Hades, King of the Underworld, Giver of Wealth,
You are the Nourisher,
You are the Purifier,
Grounded God, Creative Power of Earth.

_______Prayer to Persephone_______

(Offer libation of wine)

Great Persephone, Almighty Queen,
Beloved Flower of God’s Pupil,
Daughter of Zeus who returns to Earth to assist mankind,
You, Retributor of Injustice,
Life-giving Fruit-bearer, Tri-formed;

_______Prayer to Demeter_______

(Offer libation of wine)

Demeter, Great and Holy Mother of All,
Savior and Deliverer, Honorable,
Bestower of Splendid Gifts,
Bestower of Bliss, Giver of Riches,
Bountiful Feeder of Many,
Giver of the Beautiful Fruits of the Earth,
Rich in Flowers, Blooming in Holiness,
Nurturer of Children, Presiding Over Seeds,
Carrier of the Basket and the Law,
Protectress Who Stands Before Us;

_______Prayer to Hekate_______

(Offer libation of wine)

Hekate, Indomitable Queen,
Guardian of the Crossroads,
You who has Authority, Triple formed,
Guardian of Dogs, Gatekeeper,
She who Holds the Keys,
And bears the Torches;

_______Prayer to Hermes_______

-Offer libation of wine-

Hermes Khthonios, Guide of Souls.

_______Prayer to Khthonic Gods_______

(Offer libation of wine)

Great and Beautiful Khthonic Gods,
Bestow your blessings upon us,
Giving your gifts and wisdom,
That we may be filled
By the abundance of the Gods
And ever partake in the sharing
And celebration of Divine Love.
Let us love always
And uphold the way of the Gods,
As You uphold us.
For I am a Child of Earth and Starry Heaven.

_______Closing Prayer_______

Khaire, O Blessed Gods,
May you look upon the pious
With kind hearts,
Never abandon us,
And turn from us all illness
And misfortune,
And drive away all sorrow.


© 2024 Echoes from the Temple

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates